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Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Martina Pfeiler

Department of English

Professorin für Anglophone Kultur- und Literaturwissenschaften


Telefon: +43 732 7470 7686
Büro: PH 3.444
Adresse: Kaplanhofstraße 40 4020 Linz ÖSTERREICH
Sprechzeiten: Mo, 15:00-16:00 (per Anmeldung via Email)

Research and Teaching Interests

  • Popularizing U.S.-American Literature
  • Teaching Literary Classics Today
  • U.S.-American and British Poetry
  • Poetry Slams, Poetry Films, E-Poetry
  • Melville Studies and Moby-Dick
  • Identity Politics (Gender, 'Race'/Ethnicity, Class)
  • Protest Cultures in U.S. Literature and Media
  • Media Studies: Intermediality, Remediation, Transmediality
  • Adaptation Studies
  • Digital Literacies, Digital Archives

Research Projects

  • Research Associate FWF/ERC Project: British Literary History and the Spoken Word (1965-2020; PI Julia Lajta-Novak)
  • Ahab in Love. The Creative Reception of Moby-Dick in Popular Culture (book manuscript; in preparation for publication)
  • Teaching Literary Classics Today
  • Participatory Poetry   

Academic Positions and Functions

Since Oct 2024Vice-President Austrian Association for American Studies
Since Oct 2023Professor of Anglophone Cultural and Literary Studies  
Since Oct 2024Senior Postdoc University of Vienna (Elternteilzeitvertretung Prof. Dr. Alexandra Ganser)
2021-2024Senior Researcher (ERC/FWF), Vice-PI; External Lecturer University of Vienna
2016-2021Interim Commissionary Chair of American Studies, Ruhr-University Bochum
2014-2016Senior Lecturer, American Studies, Ruhr-University Bochum
2008-2014Assistant Professor, American Studies, TU Dortmund, 
2009-2010Visiting Assistant Professor, American Studies, Radboud University
2005-2006Visiting Lecturer, Oglethorpe University Atlanta


Assistant Professor, American Studies, University of Dortmund

Academic Qualifications

2017Habilitation und Venia Legendi in U.S.-amerikanischer Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, TU Dortmund University
2008Dr. phil., TU Dortmund, summa cum laude
1995-2001Mag. phil., Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (Lehramt Gymnasium: Anglistik und Amerikanistik; Georgraphie & Wirtschaftskunde) 
1999ERASMUS Semester, Roehampton University UK
1994-1995Cambridge Proficiency Exam, Bromely College of Further and Higher Education UK


Pfeiler, Martina. Ahab in Love: The Creative Reception of Moby-Dick in Popular Culture. Habilitationsschrift. TU Dortmund 2017. (in Vorbereitung zur Publikation). 

Pfeiler, Martina. Poetry Goes Intermedia: U.S.-amerikanische Lyrik des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts aus kultur- und medienwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Tübingen: Francke Verlag, 2010. (Print und E-Book)

Pfeiler, Martina. Sounds of Poetry: Contemporary American Performance Poets. Tübingen: Narr Verlag, 2003.

In the Event of Poetry. Contemporary British Poetry Performance in Context. In preparation with Shefali Banerji, Julia Lajta-Novak, Shalini Sengupta, Emily Timms, Claire Palzer, Martina Pfeiler. [Team book; accepted by Palgrave]


(1) Melville, Media, and Narratives.NALANS. Special Issue Editors: M. Zeki Çıraklı, Don Dingledine, Kyle Meikle, Martina Pfeiler, Paolo Simonetti. 2024.

(2) NALANS - Journal of Narrative and Language Studies. Eds. M. Zeki Çıraklı, Martina Pfeiler, Mustafa Caner, Nazan Yıldız. Vol. 9 Nr. 18. Dec. 2021

(3) Co-editor. Pott Meets Poetry. Die erste illustrierte Slam-Anthologie des Ruhrgebiets. Hrsg. Minu Hedayati-Aliabadi und Martina Pfeiler. Lektora Verlag 2014.

(4) Editorial Board Member: NALANS. Journal of Narrative and Language Studies 

(5) Series Co-Editor. Transnational and Transatlantic American Studies. LIT Verlag Münster (Reihe) Hrsg. Walter Grünzweig, Randi Gunzenhäuser, Kornelia Freitag, Martina Pfeiler, Wielfried Raussert, Michael Wala. 

Book Chapters  

(1) Pfeiler, Martina. “Performance Poetry/Poetry Slam”. Handbuch Literatur und Performance. Hrsg. Bettina Brandl-Reis und Lucia Ruprecht. Berlin: De Gruyter(in Druck)

(2) "Popularisierung von Lyrik: Punk-Lyrik, Pop-Ästhetik und Live-Streaming von Poetry Slams im Vereinigten Königreich". Audioliterary Poetry between Performance and Mediatization / Audioliterale Lyrik zwischen Performance und Mediatisierung, edited by Marc Matter, Henrik Wehmeier and Clara Cosima Wolff, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2024, pp. 215-234.

(3) “Teaching Melville Through the Lens of Popular Culture”. A New Companion to Herman Melville. Eds. Wyn Kelley and Christopher Ohge. London: Wiley-Blackwell 2022. 541-549.

(4) “Performance Poetry/Slam Poetry”. DeGruyter Handbook. Literatur und Performance. Hg. Lucia Ruprecht und Bettina Brandl-Ris. (in print)

(5) “’Sonic Revolutionaries’: Selfreflexivity, Intermediality and Cultural Specificity in Saul Williams’ Poetry.” Essays in Modern British and Irish Poetry. Vol. 6. Eds. Wolfgang Görtschacher and David Malcolm. Gdansk: University of Gdansk Press, 2016. 151-167.

(6) “Jamaica Osorio’s Kumulipo at the White House: Cultural Memory in Slam Poetry.” Recovery and Transgression: Memory in American Poetry. Ed. by Kornelia Freitag. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. 249-264.

(7) “Teaching and Learning from Slam Poetry.” Teaching Modern and Contemporary Poetry. Eds. Kornelia Freitag and Brian Reed. Berlin: Winter Verlag, 2013. 195-210.

(8) “Remediating The Making of Americans: A Twenty-First-Century U.S.-American Poetry Film in the Context of Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries U.S. Poetries and New Media.” States of the Art: Considering Poetry Today Klaus Martens and Rami Djahazi, Hg. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2009. 102-112.

(9) “Riding the Meridian: TRANS(national)ARTS in The Progressive Dinner Party.” Another Language – Poetic Experiments in Britain and North America. Kornelia Freitag and Katharina Vester, eds. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2008. 211-224.

(10) “Allen Ginsberg and Eric Drooker: Illuminated Poems as a Site of Visual, Literary and Cultural Contestation.” Literatura, Artes, Saberes. Sandra Nitrini, et al. São Paulo: ABRALIC, 2007. 1-10.

Articles in Journals 

(1) Khiev, Khiev., Laemmerhirt, Iris-Aya Laemmerhirt and Pfeiler, Martina. (2022) “Performing Vulnerability and Resistance in Spoken Word Poetry”, JAAAS: Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies, 4(1), pp. 177–193. doi: 10.47060/jaaas.v4i1.17

(2) “Warner Bros.’s Moby-Dick Adaptation Dämon des Meeres (1931) as Part of a Transcultural and Textual Network.“ Literature/Film Quarterly. Special Issue: Transcultural Adaptations. Eds. Wieland Schwanebeck und Iain Smith. Spring 2020.

(3) “Challenging Islamophobia through Intermediality: Anida Yoeu Ali’s Performance Art”. European Journal of American Studies. Special Issue: Media Agoras: Islamophobia and Inter/Multimedial Dissensus. Eds. Elena Furlanetto and Frank Mehring. Fall 2020.

(4) “Beat Vision. Stimme, Ton und Voice-Over im Poetryfilm als subversive Medien.” Poetryfilm Magazin. Ausgabe Nummer 2. Hrsg. Aline Helmcke und Guido Naschert. Literarische Gesellschaft Thüringen e. V. und Bauhaus Universität. Weimar: Gato&Mono Design OHG, Januar 2016. 16-19.  

(5) “Poetry Films: Cultural Resistance and Creative Reinvention,” Poetryfilm Magazin. Ausgabe Nummer 1. hrsg. von Aline Helmcke und Guido Naschert. Literarische Gesellschaft Thüringen e. V. und Bauhaus Universität. Weimar: Gato&Mono Design OHG, Januar 2016. 23.

(6) “Hunting Moby Dick in a Global Context as Exemplified by the Teaching of Moby-Dick in the University Classroom.” Leviathan. A Journal of Melville Studies. Johns Hopkins University Press, U.S.A. Vol. 15. Nr. 3. 2013. 81-89.

(7) “‘Between Man and Place’: insegnare Moby-Dick ne contest della globalizzazione.” Giorgio Mariani e Sonia Di Loreto (a cura di), Glocal Melville, numero monografico di Ácoma. Rivista internazionale di studi nordamericani, Nuova Serie, N. 2, 2012. 25-38.

Reviews (selection)

(1) “Scheiding, Oliver, René Dietrich, Clemens Spahr. A History of American Poetry. Contexts-Developments-Readings“. Anglistik 30, 3 (2018). 76-77.

(2) “Justin Hocking The Great Floodgates of the Wonderworld: A Memoir” Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2014. 266 pp. Shawn Pfautsch Season on the Line: An Epic Love Letter to the American Theater Leipzig: Sordelet Ink, 2014. 214 pp.” Leviathan. A Journal of Melville Studies. Vol. 20, Number 1, March 2018. 61-66.

(3) “Birgit M. Bauridl, Between, betwixt, or beyond? Negotiating ‘Trans’formations from the Liminal Space of Contemporary Black Performance Poetry, Heidelberg: Winter, 2013.” Anglistik 26, 1 (2015), 176-178.

(4) “Melvilleans and Whitmanians in Washington, DC” Leviathan. A Journal of Melville Studies. Ed. Sam Otter. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Vol. 16. Nr. 1. March 2014. 157-159.

(5) “Ansgar Nünning, Vera Nünning and Birgit Neuman (ed.) Cultural Ways of Worldmaking: Media and Narratives. New York: De Gruyter, 2010.” Anglia 129, 3-4 (2011), 570-576.


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