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Prof. Dr. phil. Martina Pfeiler

Professorin für Anglophone Kultur- und Literaturwissenschaften


Telefon: +43 732 7470 7686
Büro: PH 3.444
Adresse: Kaplanhofstraße 40 4020 Linz ÖSTERREICH
Sprechzeiten: Sose 24: Donnerstags, 16:00-17:00 (per Anmeldung via Email)

Research Interestes

  • Popularizing U.S.-American Literature
  • Teaching Literary Classics Today
  • U.S.-American and British Poetry
  • Poetry Slams, Poetry Films, E-Poetry 
  • Melville Studies and Moby-Dick
  • Identity Politics (Gender, 'Race'/Ethnicity, Class)
  • Protest Cultures in U.S. Literature and Media
  • Media Studies: Intermediality, Remediation, Transmediality
  • Digital Literacies, Digital Archives

Current Research Projects

  • Co-editorial: NALANS Special Issue: Melville, Media, and Narratives (March 2024)
  • FWF/ERC Project: Team Book: British Literary History and the Spoken Word (1965-2020; PI Julia Lajta-Novak)
  • Ahab in Love. The Creative Reception of Moby-Dick in Popular Culture (book manuscript; in preparation for publication)

Academic Positions

Since October 2023Professor of Anglophone Cultural and Literary Studies
Since September 2021Senior Researcher (ERC/FWF), Vice-PI; External Lecturer University of Vienna
2016-2021Commissionary Chair of American Studies, Ruhr-University Bochum
2014-2016Senior Lecturer, American Studies, Ruhr-University Bochum
2008-2014Assistant Professor, American Studies, TU Dortmund, 
2009-2010Visiting Assistant Professor, American Studies, Radboud University
2005-2006Visiting Lecturer, Oglethorpe University Atlanta


Assistant Professor, American Studies, University of Dortmund

Academic Qualifications

2017Habilitation and Venia Legendi, TU Dortmund
2008Dr. phil., TU Dortmund

Mag. phil. (Lehramt), KFU Graz

1999ERASMUS Semester, Roehampton University
1994-1995Cambridge Proficiency Exam, Bromely College of Further and Higher Education

Current Research Projects

  • FWF/ERC British Literary History and the Spoken Word (1965-2020)  
  • NALANS Special Issue: Melville, Media, and Narratives (February 2024)
  • Ahab in Love. The Creative Reception of Moby-Dick in Popular Culture (book manuscript; in preparation for publication)


Ahab in Love. The Creative Reception of Moby-Dick in Popular Culture. (Habilitationsschrift TU Dortmund, 2017; in preparation for publication)

Poetry Goes Intermedia: US-amerikanische Lyrik des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts aus kultur- und medienwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Francke Verlag, 2010.

Sounds of Poetry: Contemporary American Performance Poets. Narr Verlag, 2003.  


(1) Melville, Media, and Narratives.NALANS. Special Issue Editors: M. Zeki Çıraklı, Don Dingledine, Kyle Meikle, Martina Pfeiler, Paolo Simonetti. Forthcoming in February 2024.

(2) NALANS - Journal of Narrative and Language Studies. Eds. M. Zeki Çıraklı, Martina Pfeiler, Mustafa Caner, Nazan Yıldız. Vol. 9 Nr. 18. Dec. 2021

(3) Co-editor. Pott Meets Poetry. Die erste illustrierte Slam-Anthologie des Ruhrgebiets. Hrsg. Minu Hedayati-Aliabadi und Martina Pfeiler. Lektora Verlag 2014.

(4) Editorial Board Member: NALANS. Journal of Narrative and Language Studies

(5) Series Co-Editor. Transnational and Transatlantic American Studies. LIT Verlag Münster (Reihe) Hrsg. Walter Grünzweig, Randi Gunzenhäuser, Kornelia Freitag, Martina Pfeiler, Wielfried Raussert, Michael Wala. 

Book Chapters  

(1) “Teaching Melville Through the Lens of Popular Culture”. A New Companion to Herman Melville. Eds. Wyn Kelley and Christopher Ohge. London: Wiley-Blackwell 2022. 541-549.

(2) “Performance Poetry/Slam Poetry”. DeGruyter Handbook. Literatur und Performance. Hg. Lucia Ruprecht und Bettina Brandl-Ris. (forthcoming in 2024)

(3) “’Sonic Revolutionaries’: Selfreflexivity, Intermediality and Cultural Specificity in Saul Williams’ Poetry.” Essays in Modern British and Irish Poetry. Vol. 6. Eds. Wolfgang Görtschacher and David Malcolm. Gdansk: University of Gdansk Press, 2016. 151-167.

(4) “Jamaica Osorio’s Kumulipo at the White House: Cultural Memory in Slam Poetry.” Recovery and Transgression: Memory in American Poetry. Ed. by Kornelia Freitag. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. 249-264.

(5) “Teaching and Learning from Slam Poetry.” Teaching Modern and Contemporary Poetry. Eds. Kornelia Freitag and Brian Reed. Berlin: Winter Verlag, 2013. 195-210.

(6) “Remediating The Making of Americans: A Twenty-First-Century U.S.-American Poetry Film in the Context of Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries U.S. Poetries and New Media.” States of the Art: Considering Poetry Today Klaus Martens and Rami Djahazi, Hg. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2009. 102-112.

(7) “Riding the Meridian: TRANS(national)ARTS in The Progressive Dinner Party.” Another Language – Poetic Experiments in Britain and North America. Kornelia Freitag and Katharina Vester, eds. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2008. 211-224.

(8) “Allen Ginsberg and Eric Drooker: Illuminated Poems as a Site of Visual, Literary and Cultural Contestation.” Literatura, Artes, Saberes. Sandra Nitrini, et al. São Paulo: ABRALIC, 2007. 1-10.

Articles in Journals

(1) Khiev, Khiev., Laemmerhirt, Iris-Aya Laemmerhirt and Pfeiler, Martina. (2022) “Performing Vulnerability and Resistance in Spoken Word Poetry”, JAAAS: Journal of the Austrian Association for American Studies, 4(1), pp. 177–193. doi: 10.47060/jaaas.v4i1.17

(2) “Warner Bros.’s Moby-Dick Adaptation Dämon des Meeres (1931) as Part of a Transcultural and Textual Network.“ Literature/Film Quarterly. Special Issue: Transcultural Adaptations. Eds. Wieland Schwanebeck und Iain Smith. Spring 2020.

(3) “Challenging Islamophobia through Intermediality: Anida Yoeu Ali’s Performance Art”. European Journal of American Studies. Special Issue: Media Agoras: Islamophobia and Inter/Multimedial Dissensus. Eds. Elena Furlanetto and Frank Mehring. Fall 2020.

(4) “Beat Vision. Stimme, Ton und Voice-Over im Poetryfilm als subversive Medien.” Poetryfilm Magazin. Ausgabe Nummer 2. Hrsg. Aline Helmcke und Guido Naschert. Literarische Gesellschaft Thüringen e. V. und Bauhaus Universität. Weimar: Gato&Mono Design OHG, Januar 2016. 16-19.  

(5) “Poetry Films: Cultural Resistance and Creative Reinvention,” Poetryfilm Magazin. Ausgabe Nummer 1. hrsg. von Aline Helmcke und Guido Naschert. Literarische Gesellschaft Thüringen e. V. und Bauhaus Universität. Weimar: Gato&Mono Design OHG, Januar 2016. 23.

(6) “Hunting Moby Dick in a Global Context as Exemplified by the Teaching of Moby-Dick in the University Classroom.” Leviathan. A Journal of Melville Studies. Johns Hopkins University Press, U.S.A. Vol. 15. Nr. 3. 2013. 81-89.

(7) “‘Between Man and Place’: insegnare Moby-Dick ne contest della globalizzazione.” Giorgio Mariani e Sonia Di Loreto (a cura di), Glocal Melville, numero monografico di Ácoma. Rivista internazionale di studi nordamericani, Nuova Serie, N. 2, 2012. 25-38.

Reviews (selection)

(1) “Scheiding, Oliver, René Dietrich, Clemens Spahr. A History of American Poetry. Contexts-Developments-Readings“. Anglistik 30, 3 (2018). 76-77.

(2) “Justin Hocking The Great Floodgates of the Wonderworld: A Memoir” Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2014. 266 pp. Shawn Pfautsch Season on the Line: An Epic Love Letter to the American Theater Leipzig: Sordelet Ink, 2014. 214 pp.” Leviathan. A Journal of Melville Studies. Vol. 20, Number 1, March 2018. 61-66.

(3) “Birgit M. Bauridl, Between, betwixt, or beyond? Negotiating ‘Trans’formations from the Liminal Space of Contemporary Black Performance Poetry, Heidelberg: Winter, 2013.” Anglistik 26, 1 (2015), 176-178.

(4) “Melvilleans and Whitmanians in Washington, DC” Leviathan. A Journal of Melville Studies. Ed. Sam Otter. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Vol. 16. Nr. 1. March 2014. 157-159.

(5) “Ansgar Nünning, Vera Nünning and Birgit Neuman (ed.) Cultural Ways of Worldmaking: Media and Narratives. New York: De Gruyter, 2010.” Anglia 129, 3-4 (2011), 570-576.


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