Auszug aktueller Publikationen:
Cocca A, Niedermeier M, Prünster V, Wirnitzer K, Drenowatz C, ...Ruedl G (2022). Self-rated health status of upper secondary school pupils and its associations with multiple health-related factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19: 6947.
Drenowatz C (2021). Associations of motor competence and physical activity in children – does the environment matter? Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 21 (S1): 514-519.
Drenowatz C, Chen ST, Cocca A, Ferrari G, Ruedl G, Greier K (2022). Association of body weight and physical fitness during the elementary school years. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19: 3441.
Drenowatz C, Ferrari G, Ruedl G, Cocca A, Greier K (2022). Association of club sports participation and TV in the bedroom with dietary pattern in Austrian adolescents. Recent Progress in Nutrition. 2 (1): 12.
Ferrari G, Alberico C, Drenowatz C, Kovalskys I, … Rollo S (2022). Prevalence and correlates of meeting the Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines among Latin American adults: A multi-national cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 22: 217.
Greier K, Drenowatz C (2021). Entwicklungsbedingte Heterogenität im Sportunterricht. Erziehung und Unterricht. 171 (3-4): 344-349.
Greier K, Drenowatz C, Greier MC (2021). Essgewohnheiten und sportmotorische Leistungsfähigkeit bei Tiroler Jugendlichen. Bewegung und Sport. 75 (3): 10-14.
Greier K, Drenowatz C, Mairoser J (2022). Injuries in competitive Austrian gymnasts. European Journal of Sport Sciences. 1 (2): 10-15.
Koehler K, Drenowatz C (2022). Understanding the interaction between physical activity and diet for the promotion of health and fitness. Frontiers in Nutrition. 8: 835535.
Lima RA, Drenowatz C, Pfeiffer KA (2022). Expansion of Stodden et al.’s model. Sports Medicine. 52: 679.683.
Riquelme R, Rezende LFM, Marques A, Drenowatz C, Ferrari G (2022). Combinations of 24-hour movement guidelines and their associations with cardiometabolic health in adults from Chile. Scientific Reports. 12: 5805.
Wirnitzer KC, Drenowatz C, Cocca A, Tanous DR, Motevalli M, Wirnitzer G, Schätzer M, Ruedl G, Kirschner W (2022). Health behaviors of Austrian secondary school teachers and principals at a glance: First results of the From Science 2 School study focusing on sports linked to mixed, vegetarian and vegan diets. Nutrients. 14: 1065.