PD Dr. Melissa Kennedy
Professorin für englische Kultur- und Literaturwissenschaft
Areas of interest
- Literary Economics
- Popular Literature and Culture
- Postcolonial and other Anglophone cultures and literatures
- Indigenous cultures and literatures
- ELT Pedagogy of literature and culture studies
Research Projects
- 2024-2027 Positive Futures in Popular Media for 21st Century Learning Objectives (Principal Investigator)
- 2019-2026 DFG Scientific Network Methodologies of Economic Criticism (contributing member)
- 2020-2024 PHOÖ The ABC Approach to Literature in the Classroom (Principal Investigator)
- 2018-2022 PHOÖ Storying Our World: Literary and Pedagogical Perspectives on Human Economics (Principal Investigator)
Supervision (University of Vienna & PHOÖ)
B.A., B.Ed., M.A., PhD in English Culture, Literature and Literary Pedagogy
Teaching (B.A., B.Ed., M.A., M.Ed., PhD. University of Vienna & PHOÖ)
Popular Culture
- Up-Lit and Nicecore Popular Literature and Media
- Storyworlds, Mediaworlds, Fanworlds
Literary Economics
- Imagined economies; narratives for 21st Century; the financial crisis
- Representing wealth and poverty in fiction, documentary and film
- Capital fictions of London and New York
- Ecocriticism; resistance and protest
Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures
- Indigenous; Australasian, New Zealand and Pacific Literature
- Multicultural London; immigrant fiction
Literary Pedagogy
- Teaching with new and digital media
- Young Adult literature; World fiction youth identity
- Literature and Culture in the EFL Classroom
- Comics and computer games in EFL
- 2016 University of Vienna Venia Docendi, Habilitation in English Literature and Culture. Habilitationsschrift: “Postcolonial Economics: Reading Inequality in Colonial, Neocolonial, and Neoliberal Capitalism”
- 2005-2007 University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand and Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France Ph.D. in international cotutelle. Thesis title: “Striding Both Worlds’: Witi Ihimaera and Cross-Cultural Influence in Maori Writing’
- 2003-2004 Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France DEA, Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies, (Equivalent Masters)
- 2002-2003 Faculté des Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines, Nice, France Maîtrise d’Anglais (Equivalent Honours)
- 1998 International House, London, UK CELTA, Cambridge University Certificate in English Language Training
- 1996-1998 University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand Bachelor of Arts in Literature and Linguistics
- Since 2018 University of Education Upper Austria, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures Professor of English Literature and Cultural Studies
- 2017-2018 Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Centre for Language Studies Part-time External Lecturer in Literature and Culture and Media Studies
- 2015-2018 University of Passau, Chair of English Studies Part-time External Lecturer in Literature and Culture and Media Studies
- 2012 – University of Vienna, Institute of English and American Studies Part-time External Lecturer in Literature and Culture and Media Studies; Visiting Professor Winter semester 2016-2017; Privatdozentin and postgraduate supervisor from 2017
- 2008-2012 Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, Japan Assistant Professor of English and Culture and Media Studies, Faculty of Intercultural Communication
- 2004—2007 Inlingua, Dijon, France English as a Foreign Language senior teacher and teacher trainer
- 2002—2005 University of Technology, Nice Côte d’Azur and Dijon External lecturer, English for Academic Purposes
- 2000—2002 Faculté des lettres, Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France Teaching Assistant Department of English
- 2000—2002 International House London, Istanbul, Nice Teacher EFL, English for Academic Purposes, Business English
Single-Authored Monograph
Narratives of Inequality: Postcolonial Literary Economics. Palgrave Macmillan: London, (Fall 2017) https://www.springer.com/br/book/9783319599564
Striding Both Worlds: Witi Ihimaera and New Zealand Literary Tradition. (Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2011).
Reviewed in:
Alistair Fox, “Literary Contradictions”, New Zealand Books (Spring 2014: 12-13).
Peter H. Marsden, Review, Postcolonial Text, Vol 6. No 4 (2011)
Chris Prentice, “Rearticulating Politics and/as Aesthetics”, Journal of New Zealand Literature No.29:1 (2011: 154-159).
Lydia Wevers, Review, Journal of Postcolonial Writing Vol. 49:1 (February 2013: 114-116).
Co-editor with Paloma Fresno Calleja, Islands Narratives of Persistence and Resistance special issue of Interventions
Journal of Postcolonial Studies. Vol 25, no. 1, January 2023.
Co-editor with Helga Ramsey-Kurz, Uncommon Wealths in Postcolonial Fiction. Leiden &
Boston: Brill, December 2017.
Co-editor with Janet Wilson, Pacific Critiques of Globalization special issue of Interventions
Journal of Postcolonial Studies. Vol 19, no. 7, December 2017.
Sole editor, IAFOR Journal of Literature and Librarianship. International Academic Forum
(IAFOR) open-access e-publications iafor.org/literaturejournal.html
Interpretative Encounters Vol. 2.1 (Spring 2013).
Journeys of Discovery Vol. 1.1 (Spring 2012).
Co-editor with J. George Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Journal of
Language, Culture and Communication Vol. 12.1 (Fall 2010) –Vol. 14.2 (Spring ‘13).
Book Chapters
"The Crisis of the Imagination and Narratives of Everyday Utopia," in Das Imaginative der Politischen Ökonomie, eds. Walter Ötsch, Birger Priddet, Steffan Groß (Marburg: Metropolis, 2024).
"South Seas Speculation in Finance and Fiction," in Maritime Mobilities: Literary and Cultural Perspectives from the Anglophone World, ed. Alexandra Ganser & Charne Lavery (London: Springer, February 2023). Open Access.
"Critiquing Capitalism: The Neoliberal Self-Help Entrepreneur in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger and Rahul Kanakia’s Enter Title Here," in The Anglophone Novel in the 21st Century: Cultural Contexts–Literary Developments–Model Interpretations, eds. Ansgar Nünning, Nadia Butt, Alexander Scherr (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2023).
“Imaginary Economies: Narratives for the Twenty-First Century.” Imagined Economies –
Real Fictions. New Perspectives on Economic Thinking in Great Britain, edited by Jessica Fischer and Gesa Stedman, Bielefeld: Transcript, May 2020.
“How to be Rich, Popular, and Have It All: Conflicted Attitudes to Wealth and Poverty in
Post-Crisis Fiction.” In Uncommon Wealths in Postcolonial Fiction. Eds., Ramsey-Kurz & Kennedy. Leiden & Boston: Brill, December 2017. 287-304.
“Economic Inequality in Postcolonial Fiction” in The Bloomsbury Introduction to
Postcolonial Writing: New Contexts, New Narratives, New Debates, ed., Jenni Ramone. (London: Bloomsbury, 2017, 53-69).
“Approaches to Teaching Witi Ihimaera” in MLA Options for Teaching on Australian/New
Zealand Literature. (New York: MLA, 2017, 55-66).
“The Postcolonial Slum” in Re-Inventing the Postcolonial (in the) Metropolis, Cross/Cultures
Readings in the Post/Colonial Literatures in English, ASNEL papers (Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2016, 3-16).
“The Māori Renaissance” in A Cambridge History of New Zealand Literature, ed., Mark
Williams. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016: 277-288).
“Urban Poverty and Homelessness in the international Postcolonial World”, in
Postcolonialism: Globalization, Labour, and Rights, ed., Janet Wilson, Pavan Malreddy, Birte Heidemann, and Ole Birk Laursen. (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015: 57-71).
“Ökonomische Ungleichheiten im postkolonialen Slum” in Just Politics? - Ökokritische
Perspektiven im postkolonialen Raum, ed., Lina Fricke, Anna von Rath, Elisabeth Nechutnys, Christoph Senf. Transl. Svenja Gelfert. (Münster: Unrast Verlag, 2014: 43-57).
“The Englishness of Maori Writing” in Diasporic Subjectivity and Cultural Brokering
in Contemporary Post-Colonial Literatures, ed. Igor Maver. (Rowman and Littlefield: Maryland, 2009: 101-113).
Journal Articles
“Young Adult, Classics and Fiction for Adults: What First-Year Student Teachers of English Choose to Read,” in Children’s Literature in English Language Education
12.2 (Nov. 2024, 66-89.)
"A narrative approach to happiness measures: the complementary knowledge of fiction and film," in The International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education Vol 13, no.1, 2022, pp.9-20.
"Islands of Refuge: Journalistic Exposure of Wealth Havens and Refugee Prisons," in Interventions Journal of Postcolonial Studies. Vol 25, no. 1, January 2023 (Open Access).
Reading Like Economists to Reimagine the Humanities.” Studia Neophilologica, vol. 92, no.
1, Spring 2020.
“Maori Economic Inequality: Reading Outside Our Comfort Zone.” All that Glitters Is Not
Gold: Pacific Critiques of Globalization, special issue of Interventions: Journal of Postcolonial Studies, vol. 19, no. 7, 2017, pp. 1011-1025.
“Language, Pictures, Sounds: the Many Lives of Little Red Riding Hood”, in Lit Matters: The
Liberlit Journal of Teaching Literature. Vol. 1.2, (May 2016, 178-195).
“Early Ainu and Maori postcolonial theatre: Postman Heijiro and Te Raukura”, in Journal of
Postcolonial Writing Vol. 50.3 (May 2014: 329-340).
“The Call of the West Coast and the Reality of Rain”, in Journal of New Zealand Literature
No. 32 (Nov. 2013: 74-94).
“All Our Pasts before Us: Hamish Clayton’s Wulf”, in Journal of New Zealand Literature
No. 31 (March 2013: 150-172).
“Theoretical Encounters: Postcolonial Studies in East Asia”, in IAFOR Journal of Literature
and Librarianship Vol. 2.1 (Spring 2013: 7-16).
“Literary Journeys and Journeys in Literature”, Introduction in IAFOR Journal of Literature
and Librarianship Vol. 1.1 (Spring 2012: 4-9).
“New Directions in Postcolonial Studies” in NUCB Journal of Language, Culture and
Communication Vol. 13.2 (Spring 2012: 3-12).
“Contemporary Tradition: Reconfiguring Ainu Identity in Modern Japan.” NUCB Journal of
Language, Culture and Communication. Vol. 10.2 (Spring 2009: 37-45).
“Inside the text: The private side of Maori writing” in Journal of Postcolonial Writing. Vol.
45.1 (2009: 61-69).
“Are you for Real? Witi Ihimaera’s Eidolon Camouflage.” Moving Worlds: A Journal of
Transcultural Writings. Vol. 8(2), 2008.
“How Maori Culture Won the West.” Les Cahiers du CICLaS. No. 11, April 2007.
“Ana Mendes, Decolonising English studies from the semi-periphery” in Journal of Postcolonial Writing. (Online July 2023).
“Jennifer Lawn, Neoliberalism and cultural transition in New Zealand literature, 1984‒2008:
Market fictions” in Journal of Postcolonial Writing. (Online January 2017).
“John Marx, Geopolitics and the Anglophone Novel,1890–2011” in Journal of Postcolonial
Writing. (June 2014: 748-49).
“Neil Lazarus, The Postcolonial Unconscious” in Journal of Postcolonial Writing. Vol. 48,
No. 2, (May 2012: 219–232).
- Androsch Gertrude
- Beer Hannah
- Bernauer Egbert
- Böhm Jan
- Buchner Tobias
- Cechovsky Nora
- Csongrady Michael
- Deibl Ines
- Demmig Silvia
- Dreer Silvia
- Drenowatz Clemens
- Erling Elizabeth
- Fahrenwald Claudia
- Feichter Helene
- Felgenhauer Tilo
- Feyerer Ewald
- Feyerer Jakob
- Gahleitner Simone Lucia
- Gamsjäger Manuela
- Grinner Karin
- Haim Kurt
- Hametner Stephan
- Heinrichs Karin
- Hirschenhauser Katharina
- Holz Christoph
- Hyry-Beihammer Eeva Kaisa
- Kemethofer David
- Kennedy Melissa
- Krainz Ulrich
- Kurz Peter
- Leitner Martin
- Lindner Karin
- Mahringer Eva
- Michal Alexandra
- Mohrs Thomas
- Moser Claudia
- Mußmann Jörg
- Neuböck-Hubinger Brigitte
- Nowak Elisabeth
- Perna Verena
- Pfeiler Martina
- Pichler Johanna
- Plaimauer Christine
- Pögl Uwe
- Prammer Wilfried
- Pokitsch Doris
- Rebhandl Reinhold
- Resch Katharina
- Riepl Andreas
- Sandberger Ute
- Sandhofer Klaudia
- Sengschmid Eva
- Schinko Michaela
- Schöfl Martin
- Severa Margit
- Soukup-Altrichter Katharina
- Spaller Christina
- Spann Harald
- Steiner Margit
- Steiner Regina
- Steinmair Gabriele
- Stöger Karin
- Stumpner Stephan
- Uhl Ramona
- Vorauer Markus
- Wagner Thomas
- Weber Christoph
- Wiesinger Franziska
- Zauner Norbert
- Zmelik Katharina
- Zwicker Thomas