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PhD Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer

HS-Prof. für Schulpädagogik


Telefon: +43 732 7470 7277
Büro: Raum 4.04 (4. Stock)
Adresse: Huemerstraße 3-5, 4020 Linz ÖSTERREICH
Sprechzeiten: Via E-Mail zu vereinbaren


Forschungs- und Unterrichtsschwerpunkte

  • Empirische Unterrichtsforschung: Lehrpraxis, Lehr- und Lernformen; Diversität im Unterricht
  • Lehrer/innen Forschung: pädagogisches Denken und praktisches Wissen der LehrerInnen; Lehrerprofessionalität; Lehrer*inemotionen
  • Qualitative Forschung, insbesondere biografische und narrative Forschung
  • Altergemischter Unterricht
  • Ortsbezogene Erziehung


  • Forschungsprojekt ELLIS. Evaluation Lehrer*innenbildung NEU. Längsschnittstudie – Interviews mit Studierenden 2016–2022. PH-OÖ. Projektteam: Sabine Bruch,  Karin Busch und  Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer (Projektleiterin), PH-OÖ.
  • Forschungsprojekt BAT. Becoming a teacher. Reform der Lehrerausbildung in der Sekundarstufe. Eine qualitative Längsschnittstudie (2017–2022) im internationalen Vergleich. PH-OÖ. Projektleitung: Jan Böhm und Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer, PH-OÖ. Studentische Mitarbeiterin: Maria Liisa Resch, PH-OÖ. Kooperationspartnerinnen: Dr. Heidi Krzywacki, Dr. Katriina Maaranen and Dr. Katariina Stenberg. Department of Education, University of Helsinki, Finnland.
  • Forschungsprojekt GIRIC. Giftedness in regular (inclusive) classrooms. Examining student teachers’ stories from five countries (2021–2023). Projekt- und Kooperationspartner*innen:
    • Erkki T. Lassila (project manager), Ass. Prof., Kobe University, Japan
    • Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer [Projektleiterin PH-OÖ intern], Prof., University College of Education Upper Austria, Austria
    • Manabu Sumida, Prof., Faculty of Education, Ehime University, Japan
    • Angela Rocena, Ass. Prof., College of Education, University of the Philippines
    • Oktay Kızkapan, Ass. Prof., Education Faculty of Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University, Turkey


Doktorin der Erziehungswissenschaft (Pädagogik), Universität Oulu, Finnland, 2007

  • Das Hauptfach: Erziehungswissenschaft
  • Das Thema der Dissertation: Matti Raekallio soitonopetuksensa kertojana ja tulkitsijana [Matti Raekallio als Erzähler und Interpret seines Musikunterrichts]

Lizentiatin der Pädagogik, Universität Oulu, Finnland, 2002

Magister der Pädagogik, Klassenlehrerin, Universität Oulu, Finnland, 1989

Musikpädagogin (Klavier), Konservatorium Oulu, Finnland, 1992


Beruflicher Werdegang

Hochschulprofessor (ph 1), Professur für Schulpädagogik mit dem Schwerpunkt Unterrichtsforschung, Diagnostik und Förderung von Lernen. Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich (PH-OÖ)

Senior Scientist (Vertretung), Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Institut für Unterrichts- und Schulentwicklung (IUS), Universitätszentrum School of Education

Senior Post-Doc (FWF, Der Wissenschaftfonds), Universität Salzburg, Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft

Gastdozentin, Universität Salzburg, Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft

Forscherin (post doc), Lehrende Universität Oulu, Finnland

Forscherin (pre doc), Lehrende Universität Oulu, Finnland

Musiklehrerin (Klavier), Universität Oulu, Musik Erziehung, Finnland

Musiklehrerin (Klavier), Oulu Konservatorium, Finnland


Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer. The list of publications 10.9.2024

Publications listed according to the Publication Type Classification of the Finnish Ministry of Education, Science and Culture

  • The newest first

Journal articles (refereed), original research

  1. Stenberg, K., Maaranen, K., Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Krzywacki, H., & Böhm, J. (2024). Turbulence throughout teacher education: a case study of negotiating teacher identity. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Studies, 1–13.
  2. Lassila, E. T., Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Kızkapan, O., Rocena, A., & Sumida, M. (2023). Giftedness in inclusive classrooms: A cross-cultural examination of preservice teachers’ thinking in Finland, Austria, Turkey, the Philippines, and Japan. Gifted Child Quarterly, 67(4), 306-324.
  3. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Lassila, E. T., Estola, E., & Uitto, M. (2022). Moral imagination in student teachers’ written stories on an ethical dilemma. European Journal of Teacher Education, 45(3), 435–449.
  4. Bruch, S. & Busch, K. & Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (2021). Motivation im Lehramtsstudium – Eine Längsschnittuntersuchung von Primarstufenpädagog*innen. Erziehung und Unterricht 171(7–8), 737–746.
  5. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Jokikokko, K. & Uitto, M. (2019). Emotions involved in encountering classroom diversity: Beginning teachers’ stories. British Educational Research Journal, 45(6), 1124–1139.
  6. Autti, O. & Hyry-Beihammer E. K. (2016). Del 1990 al 2010: 2117 escoles integrals tancades a Finlàndia. Docència Ustec.Stes Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya, 36, 65–70. Tranducció Anna Gardeñas. [”School closures in Finland”]
  7. Hyry-Beihammer E. K. & Hascher, T. (2015). Multi-grade teaching practices in Austrian and Finnish primary schools. International Journal of Educational Research, 74, 104–113.
  8. Smith, R., Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. & Raggl, A. (2015). Teaching and learning in small, rural schools in four European countries: Introduction and synthesis of mixed-/multi-age approaches. International Journal of Educational Research 74, 97–103.
  9. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K . & Autti, O. (2014) Pienkoulut tarvitsevat lisää tutkimusta [More research on small schools is needed]. Editorial. Kasvatus. The Finnish Journal of Education 45(3), 209–211. (in Finnish)
  10. Autti, O. & Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (2014a). School closures in rural Finnish communities.Journal of Research in Rural Education. Electronic publication. Retrieved 25.8.2021, from
  11. Autti, O. & Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (2014b). Sosiaalinen oppiminen välituntipihoilla kaupunkikoulun ja kyläkoulun oppilaiden kertomana. [Social learning during breaks at smaller and larger Finnish schools]. Kasvatus. The Finnish Journal of Education 45(3), 242–256. (in Finnish)
  12. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., & Autti, O. (2013). School as narrated places: Children ́s narratives of school enjoyment. Education in the North 20 (Special Issue), 7-25. Electronic publication. DOI: 10.26203/NFF7-0891. Retrieved 2.11.2019, from
  13. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Estola, E. & Syrjälä, L. (2013). Issues of responsibility when conducting research in a northern rural school. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 26(8), 1062–1078.
  14. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (2011a). Master–apprentice relation in music teaching: from a secret garden to a transparent modelling. Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook Vol. 12, 161–178. Available as electronic. Retrieved 2.11.2019 from,
  15. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (2011b). Narratives in teaching practice – Matti Raekallio as narrator in his piano lessons. Music Education Research 13(2), 199–209.
  16. Hyry E. K. 2008. Soitonopettajan praktinen tieto [The Practical knowledge of a music teacher]. Musiikkikasvatus. Finnish Journal of Music Education 11(1–2), 51–61. (in Finnish)
  17. Hyvönen, L., Hirvonen, A. & Hyry, E. (2002). Three stories about Finnish music education - What is the basis of its success? Musiikkikasvatus. Finnish Journal of Music Education 6(2), 47–61.
  18. Hyry, E.-K. (1997). Millaista olisi luova soitonopetus? [What would be creative piano teaching like?] Musiikkikasvatus. Finnish Journal of Music Education 2(2), 42–53. (in Finnish)

Chapters in research books

  1. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Ylitapio-Mäntylä, O., & Uitto, M. (2024). Introduction. In E. K. Hyry-Beihammer, O. Ylitapio-Mäntylä, & M. Uitto (Eds.), Narratives in educational research. Methodological perspectives (pp. 3–11). Springer.
  2. Lassila, E. T. & Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (2024). Examining cross-cultural spaces and researcher positions in narrative research. In E. K. Hyry-Beihammer, O. Ylitapio-Mäntylä, & M. Uitto (Eds.), Narratives in educational research. Methodological perspectives (pp. 13–32). Springer.
  3. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (2024). Narratiivinen tutkimus ja opettajaksi kasvu [Narrative research and becoming a teacher]. In S. Kairavuori, K. Maaranen, & H. Kaihovirta (Eds.), Omakuvia opettajuudesta. Näkökulmia opettajaksi kasvun ja lapsuuden tutkimukseen. Self-portraits of being a teacher. Perspectives on the studies of becoming a teacher and childhood] (pp. 84–101). Helda Open Books.
  4. Autti, O. & Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (in press, 2024). Situating curriculum within the local community. In J. Johnson & H. Harmon (Eds.), Handbook of Rural and Remote Education. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
  5. Autti, O. & Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (in press, 2024). Staffing Finnish rural schools: Changing positions of rural schoolteachers. In P. Roberts, N. Downes & M. Fuqua (Eds.), International Rural School Staffing. Springer.
  6. Hyry-Beihammer, E.K., Bruch, S. & Busch, K. (2022). Professionale Entwicklung während des Lehramtsstudiums – Erzählungen von Quereinsteiger*innen. In G. Schauer, L. Jesacher-Rößler, D. Kemethofer, J. Reitinger, & C. Weber (Hrsg.), Einstiege, Umstiege, Aufstiege – Professionalisierungsforschung in der Lehrer*innenbildung (S. 109–­123). Beiträge zur Bildungsforschung. Band 9. Münster: Waxmann.
  7. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Lassila, E. T. & Uitto, M. (2021). Narrative pedagogies in cultivating the professional development of teacher educators. In L. Shagrir & S. Bar-Tal (Eds.), Exploring professional development opportunities for teacher educators promoting faculty-student partnerships (Chapter 11). London: Routledge Taylor & Francis.
  8. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (2018). Schulpädagogik und Unterrichtsforschung. In J. Böhm & M. Döll (Hrsg.) Bildungswissenschaften für Lehramtstudierende (S. 17–41). Münster: Waxmann.
  9. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. & Hascher, T. (2015). Multi-grade teaching in primary education as a promising pedagogy for teacher education in Austria and Finland. In C. Craig & L. Orland-Barak (Eds.), International Teacher Education: Promising Pedagogies (Part C) (Advances in Research on Teaching, Volume 22C) Emerald Group Publishing Limited (pp. 89–113), Bingley, UK: Emerald.
  10. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Hiltunen, M. & Estola, E. (2014). Johdanto [Introduction]. In E. K. Hyry-Beihammer, M. Hiltunen, & E. Estola (Eds.), Paikka ja kasvatus [Place and education] (pp. 4-8). Rovaniemi: Lapland University Press. (in Finnish)
  11. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. & Autti, O. (2014). Pienkoulun ja paikallisuuden rakentumisia pohjoisella maaseudulla [The formation of locality in the small school setting in northern rural communities]. In E.K. Hyry-Beihammer, M. Hiltunen, & E. Estola (Eds.), Paikka ja kasvatus [Place and education] (pp. 31–54). Rovaniemi: Lapland University Press. (in Finnish)
  12. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. & Autti, O. (2014). Koulu kerrottuna paikkana – lasten kertomuksia kouluviihtyvyydestä [School as narrated places – children’s stories of wellbeing at school]. In E. Ropo & M. Huttunen (Eds.) Puheenvuoroja narratiivisuudesta opetuksessa ja oppimisessa [Narratives in teaching and learning] (pp. 231–257). Tampere: Tampere University Press. Available as electronic. Retrieved 25.8.2021 from, (in Finnish)
  13. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. & Nikkanen, H. (2013). Musiikinopettaja taitelijana ja kasvattajana – dilemmasta dialogiin [Music teacher as an artist and educator – from a dilemma to dialogue]. In A.-M. Puroila, S.-L. Kaunisto & L. Syrjälä (Eds.), Naisen äänellä. Professori Eila Estolan juhlakirja [In a woman’s voice. Essays presented to Professor Eila Estola] (pp. 145–162). Acta Universitatis Ouluensis E 141. Oulu: University of Oulu. (in Finnish)
  14. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (2012). Pianonsoiton opetustarinoita – Matti Raekallio kertojana [Curriculum stories in piano lessons – Matti Raekallio as a narrator]. In T. Kinnunen, T. Ylimaunu & J. Ylipulli (Eds.), Elämäntarina, elinkaari [Life story, life cycle]. Studia Humaniora Ouluensia 13. Oulu: University of Oulu, 77–94. (in Finnish)
  15. Hyry, E.-K. & Hyvönen, L. (2002). Musiikki opettajan elämässä [Music in teacher’s life]. In H. L. T. Heikkinen & L. Syrjälä (Eds.), Minussa elää monta tarinaa [Many stories are living inside me] (pp. 64–84). Helsinki: KVS. (in Finnish)

Non-refereed journal articles

  1. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (2010). School in place: children’s stories in a small Finnish rural school. F&E Edition. Die Forschungszeitschrift der Pädagogischen Hochschule Vorarlberg. Nr. 15, 67–75.
  2. Autti, O. & Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (2009). Kyläkouluverkko tuhoutumassa – koulujen lakkauttaminen jatkuu kiivaana [The net of village schools is being destroyed – the closure of schools continues explosively]. Kasvatus & Aika 3(4), 54–64. Electronic publication. Retrieved 18.02.2017, from (in Finnish)
  3. Hyry, E. K. (2009). Soitonopetus narratiivisena kokonaisuutena [Music teaching as a narrative wholeness]. Väitöslektio [Lectio Praecursoria]. Musiikki 39(1), 55–60. (in Finnish)

Non-refereed conference proceedings

  1. Hyry, E. K. (2008). The Narrative-biographical case study of one master piano teacher. In D. Blom, and I. Paek, I. (Eds.), The reflective musician in a global society (pp. 91–96). Conference publication of the ISME Commission for the Education of the Professional Musician Seminar in Stavanger Norway 6–10 August 2002. Electronic publication. Retrieved 18.02.2017, from
  2. Hyry, E. K. (2006). Pedagogical content knowledge of a music teacher. In P. Paananen, and M. Fredrikson (Eds.), Music and development challenges for music education (pp. 268–272). The Proceedings of The First European Conference on Developmental Psychology of Music 2005 University of Jyväskylä, Department of Music, Finland. Electronic publication. Retrieved 18.02.2017, from
  3. Hyry, E. K. (2003). Pianonsoiton opettajan praktinen teoria [The practical theory of the piano teacher]. In H. Sinevaara-Niskanen & R. Rajala (Eds.), Kasvatuksen yhteisöt - uupumusta, häirintää vai yhteisöllistä kasvua?[The Communities of education – burnout, discrimination or communal growing] (pp. 20–28).] Lapin yliopisto: Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta. Conference publication of The national Conference of Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland in 21–22 November 2002. Electronic publication. Retrieved 18.02.2017, from (in Finnish)


Edited books

  1. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Ylitapio-Mäntylä, O., & Uitto, M. (Eds.) (2024). Narratives in educational research. Methodological perspectives. Springer.
  2. Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Hiltunen, M., & Estola, E. (Eds.) (2014). Paikka ja kasvatus [Place and education]. Rovaniemi: Lapland University Press.


Publication intended for professional communities

  • Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Joukamo-Ampuja, E., Juntunen, M.-L., Kymäläinen, H., & Leppänen, T. (2013). Instrumenttiopettaja oppilaan kokonaisvaltaisen muusikkouden kehittäjänä [Music teacher supporting a holistic musicianship of a student]. In M-L. Juntunen, H. Nikkanen & H. Westerlund, H. (Eds.), Musiikkikasvattaja – Kohti reflektiivistä käytäntöä [Music educator – towards a reflective practice] (pp. 150–182). Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus. (in Finnish)


Publications intended for the general public

  1. Autti, O. & Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (2010a). Koulukato koettelee Lapin ja Oulun läänejä [A loss of schools is testing the regions of Lapland and Oulu]. Kaleva [the largest daily newspaper in northern Finland] 7.2.2010, 2. (in Finnish)
  2. Autti, O. & Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. (2010b). Kyläkoulujen lopettaminen on lyhytnäköistä. [Closing village schools is short-sighted. Helsingin Sanomat [the leading national paper of Finland], pääkirjoitus [leading article]/vieraskynä. 21.3.2010. (in Finnish)
  3. Hyry, E. K. (2008). The main speech in The Hundredth Anniversary of the School of Jokikylä, Ii [in Finland] 24.5.2008. Paper: Significance of small village school. (in Finnish)



Doctoral disseration (monograph)

  • Hyry, E. K. (2007). Matti Raekallio soitonopetuksensa kertojana ja tulkitsijana [Matti Raekallio as a narrator and interpreter of his music teaching]. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis E 95. Oulu: University of Oulu. [Doctoral Thesis] (in Finnish)

Licentiate thesis

  • Hyry, E. K. (2002). Matti Raekallio ja opettamisen polyfonia. [Matti Raekallio and the polyphony of teaching]. Oulu: University of Oulu. Lisensiaatintutkimus [Licenciate Thesis]. Unpublished. (in Finnish)

Master’s thesis

  • Heikkinen, P., Hyry, E. K. & Miettunen, J. (1989). Lapsen uskonnollinen maailmankuva tunnustuksellisen evankelis-luterilaisen uskonnonopetuksen ongelmana peruskoulun ala-asteella. [Child’s religional worldview as a problem in confessional evangelical-lutheran religion teaching in primary school]. Pro gradu -thesis. University of Oulu. Faculty of Education. Teacher Education. (in Finnish)


Papers in international conferences since 2016

The newest first

  • ECER 2023. University of Glasgow, Scotland, 22–25.8.2023. Paper: Lassila, E. T. & Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. Pre-service and in-service teachers situating themselves in inclusive classrooms with gifted students: gaps between teacher thinking and evidence-based practices.
  • Narrative Matters 2023. University of Tampere, Finland, 15–17.6.2023. Paper: Lassila, E. T. & Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. Cross-cultural spaces in narrative teacher research: researcher positions, multivoiced data and non-native environments.
  • Kleinschulgipfel 2022. (Um-)Welterschließung und Bürgerengagement Lehrerkräfte und Bürger*innen als gemeinsame Unterstützer kindlicher Sozialraumexploration und Welterkundung. 29.9.–1.10.2022. Brixen, Freie Universität Bozen, Italy. Invited Präsentation: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. Die Erweiterung der Lernkreise kleiner ländlicher Schulen: Öffnet sich die Perspektive der Lehrkräfte? - Ergebnisse einer finnischen Studie.
  • APCG (Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness Conference). 7–10.7. 2022. National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) Taipei, Taiwan. Giftedness in inclusive classrooms – Cross-cultural examination of student teachers’ thinking in five countries. Presenters: Erkki T. Lassila & Manabu Sumida. Non-presenting collaborators: Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer, Lady Angela M. Rocena, & Oktay Kizkapan.
  • ECER 2021. University of Geneva and the Valais University of Teacher Education, Switzerland, 6–10.9.2021
    • Paper: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Busch, K. & Bruch, S. Development of personal practical theories during teacher education – A Longitudinal study of Austrian student teachers.
    • Chairing of the 10 SES 06 B: Providing High Quality Education to All Students
  • WCGTC (World Council for Gifted and Talented Children) 2021. Developing the Future of Gifted Education, 2021 Virtual World Conference, 31.7.–1.8.2021 & 7–8.8.2021. Paper: Giftedness in Regular Inclusive Classrooms (GIRIC) – Cross-cultural examination of student teachers’ thinking in five countries. Presenters: Erkki T. Lassila & Manabu Sumida. Non-presenting collaborators: Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer, Lady Angela M. Rocena, & Oktay Kizkapan.
  • ÖFEB 2021. ONLINE-Tagung „Einstiege, Umstiege, Aufstiege – Was wissen wir über die Professionalisierungsprozesse von Lehrpersonen und pädagogischen Fachkräften?”, 24.–26.2.2021 PH-Oberösterreich. Präsentation beim Forschungsforum Pädagog*innenbildung NEU als eingeladene Expert*in: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Bruch, S. & Busch, K. Lehrer*in werden – Entwicklung der Professionalität von Studierenden im Lehramtsstudium.
  • ECER 2020. University of Glasgow, Scotland, 25–28.8.2020. Paper: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Busch, K. & Bruch, S. Development of personal practical theories during teacher education – A Longitudinal study of Austrian student teachers. (Conference cancelled)
  • EARLI Sig 1+4. University of Cadiz, Spain, 22–25.6.2020. Paper: Bruch, S., Busch, K. & Hyry-Beihammer, E. K.Changing motivations for becoming a teacher. A longitudinal study of Austrian primary student teachers. (Conference cancelled)
  • ÖFEB 2019 Kongress. PH-Oberösterreich, 18-20.9.2019. Symposium Studiumsbezogene Einflussfaktoren auf die Merkmale der Professionalität von angehenden Lehrkräften. Paper: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Bruch, S. & Busch, K. Lehrer/in werden – Entwicklung der Professionalität von Studierenden im Lehramtsstudium
  • ÖFEB 2019 Kongress. PH-Oberösterreich, 18-20.9.2019. Symposium: Becoming a Teacher in Austria and Finland – key experiences and conceptions (Chair: Hyry-Beihammer)
    • Paper: Stenberg, K., Steinbeiß, G. & Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. Key experiences as a tool for understanding student teachers’ professional development
    • Paper: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. & Stenberg, K. Choosing teaching – stories of student teachers
  • EAPRIL (European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning) Conference 2018, Portorož, Slovenia, 12–14.11.2018. Paper: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Uitto, M., Lassila, E., & Estola, E. Becoming a Teacher – Emotional, political and relational stories of student teachers
  • ECER 2018 Conference, Free University Bolzano, Bozen, Italy. 4–7.9.2018. Paper: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. Becoming a teacher: Stories of Austrian student teachers.
  • EARLI Sig 11 Conference. University of Agder, Norway. 13–15.6.2018. Paper: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. & Steiner, R. Becoming a teacher: Austrian primary student teachers’ beliefs about good teaching as a part of their personal practical theories.
  • ÖFEB-Kongress 2017. PH-Vorarlberg. 21-22.9.2017. Paper: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. & Steiner, R. LehrerIn werden: Die pädagogische Autorität und der LehrerIn-SchülerIn-Bezug in der Narrative der Lehramtsstudierenden.
  • EARLI 2017. University of Tampere, Finland. 29.8.–2.9.2017. Symposium: Becoming a teacher - Austrian, Estonian and Finnish teacher students’ perceptions. (Chair: Hyry-Beihammer)
    • Paper: Anspal, T., Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Maaranen, K., Stenberg, K., Böhm, J., & Hecht, P. Becoming a teacher - Austrian, Estonian and Finnish teacher students’ perceptions
    • Paper: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Hecht, P. & Böhm, J. Austrian student teachers’ and beginner teachers’ beliefs about (good) teaching and learning as a part of their personal practical theories
  • ISATT (International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching) 2016 Regional conference: “Promising Pedagogies in International Teacher Education”. University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, 4–5.12.2016.
    • Einladung zur Präsentation: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. & Hascher, T. Multigrade teaching in primary Education as a Promising Pedagogy for Teacher Education in Austria and in Finland.
    • Chairing of the roundtable on the theme 'Working with multimodal instructional and technological tools'
  • EARLI (Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction) SIG 11 Conference 2016 "Diversity and Inclusion as a Challenge for Teacher Education“. University of Zürich, Switzerland 20-22.6.2016. Paper: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Jokikokko, K. & Uitto, M. Emotions in beginning teachers’ stories about classroom diversity.
  • Bringing Teacher Education Forward: National and International Perspectives. University of Oslo, Norway, 6–8.6.2016. Paper: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K., Steiner, R., Busch, K. & Mitterlehner, K. Student teachers’ beliefs about good teaching as a part of their personal practical theories



  • The international conference “Innovation education for remote and rural schools”. National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, 20-21.10.2017. Keynote: Hyry-Beihammer, E. K. Multi-grade teaching in primary education.



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